Name: Francisca Alonso also as Cuqui
My Favorite colors: Blue and Pink
My favorite character: Bears and Faerys
My birthday: 26 August 1967
My love:
We have been married from 1988. And we are very happy.
We have two adorables boys
(eldest, with 29 years old) , and (my second, with 26 years old)
They like rap and hip hop music. They do not dress so formal.
But they are handsome painted pixel art. Lol -
(lines of Nancy Pixel-site closed-)
I have three big crazy friends:
(My dear Perlica-tube for she- My first sisterfriend) ,

(My 'Jefa' crazy of PSP -tube by TP- My fist
PSP & FrontPage teacher) and

(one toad-man -tube for TatiPixel- My DreamsWeaver
teacher and of a lot of things more, too),
Story of a pixel hobby
I started to learn pixel, in 2007.
On a forum called Grafikvilla
(now closed)
But I did not know the German language and I used a translator.
there I met great artists pixel, and their pixel sites
(Christina, Gaby, Rose ... and a lot more.).

Within months, the forum was closed.
I wanted to keep learning and I opened my own forum to
Spanish-speaking girls in 2008.
(forum closed)
It was fantastic!. Learned all at once.
And they grew as artists -I too with they- (Tati, Cherry, Nebe, Nena,
Shalana, Violeta, Xarien, Alex...

...Gamatita, Alea, Soleange, Moni, Lety, and many more)
From tutorials on the internet. And with free internet outlines.
We informed you of everything related to pixel.
The most time we had with pixel, we taught how little we knew,
to the other.
Buy my first membership and opened my first free pixel site.
Among all, we learned to do from a web page, outlines, lines, pixel,
tubes, sigtags ...All! At one year, I had to close the forum. Had to spend
much time, and I did not have time for everything.
Some girls have continued to learn in groups, others left the pixel.
And other cute girls continue their pixel pages online.
I started making my site with members area.
The year was 2009. I wanted ...Learn more! and joined the group PSP4ALL
where I continued sharing my hobby and time with great friends
(Martine, Mary, Enni, Pat, Nelly, Tcha, Adorable, Tati, Violeta, ...
and many more, I can not name them all, because ...
they do not fit on this little page).
And... I want learn each day a lot more!!!
My favorite phrase: Enjoy pixel!!
Thanks for read me, and we see soon in some pixel site.

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